School readiness is a set of skills and abilities that a child must assess and evaluate in order to be able to meet the demands of school and adapt to the classroom environment. This includes skills such as language development, attention span, memory, auditory comprehension, discipline, time management, communication with peers and teachers, social performance, and the development of self-esteem.

UAGC offers counseling services aimed at achieving the child's school readiness. These services include:
1. Assessment of individual learning styles: Universal Admission Gate Cyprus utilizes psychometric tools to evaluate the child's learning styles, skills, and development. Based on this assessment, we can determine the appropriate tools and learning plans for the child.
2. Design of individual learning plans: Based on the assessment of the child's learning styles, UAGC counselor designs an individualized learning plan for each child with the goal of improving their skills and preparing them for the demands of school.
3. Counseling services for parents: Universal Admission Gate Cyprus provides counseling services for parents regarding the improvement of learning skills and the development of school readiness in children.
4. Monitoring and evaluation of progress: Universal Admission Gate Cyprus monitors the child's progress in school and evaluates their performance. In this way, we can adjust the learning plan and improve the child's results.

The counseling services of UAGC can enhance the child's performance in school and strengthen their self-confidence, helping the child to be more prepared for the demands of school.