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Why go for a postgraduate?
A college degree is an achievement worth pursuing.
This is a great milestone that will mark the beginning of your career. But if you really want to go deeper in your studies and get a competitive degree that will give you an edge in the job market, then maybe a master's degree is an even better solution.
Going for postgraduate means you will:
Gain more knowledge
Earn qualification and experience
Makes a positive impression on prospective employers
Become more mature in your own field of expertise
Increase your earnings
But you need to remember that a post-graduate degree requires an investment of time money and a clear mind. If you are not sure that you can invest in a postgraduate program or not sure that you can commit 100% to it, then better wait for a better time.
Being a postgraduate student in Cyprus
As a mature student, you have a distinct advantage when compared with freshmen students.
Flexible timetable
You do not have to be present at the university the entire day.
Opportunity to look for an internship and part-time work. There are a variety of part-time jobs especially in eateries, shops bars, or clubs. Also, you can perhaps find a job yourself that is within the same field as any previous experience or background you may have had. Have in mind that you are allowed to work 20 hours per week.
Free time for your research. As you probably know postgraduate degrees required to spend significant time doing their own research.
If you are coping well with your studies and have extra time to spare, you can chill at Cyprus’ famous blue flag beaches and be part of the vibrant nightlife especially during spring, summer and autumn… but beware overdoing it. Your priority is your post-graduate studies.