MA. Study Center

  • Address: Golgon 50, Limassol, Cyprus, 3026
  • Email:


About us

My name is Manolis Athanasiadis, and I am the head of the new Study Center that will be operating in the center of Limassol city. Through our Facebook page, we want to inform you about the services we offer and invite you to become members of our community.
At our Study Center, we provide daily study sessions for elementary and middle school children, with the aim of filling any learning gaps they may have and improving their academic performance
Additionally, we offer special education classes for children with special educational needs. We recognize the important need for individualized approaches and customized teaching methods for their maximum achievement and success. Through our Study Center, we provide the necessary materials, strategies, and individual attention required to help children develop their skills and boost their self-confidence.
Through collaboration with children, parents, and educators, we aim to create a positive and supportive learning environment that will help students unlock their academic potential and abilities.

Awards & Recognitions

Facilities & Staff

With expertise in education and teaching experience, we are available to support students in every subject and help them gain the necessary self-confidence to overcome their academic challenges.

Differentiation points

Through our experience in education and the passion we have, we strive every day to bring children closer to discovering themselves. In this way, they will also come to appreciate the philosophy of education.

Courses & Programs

Daily study and special education for children and teenagers
  • Monday - Friday 14:00 - 20:00
  • Saturday 9:00 - 15:00

Institute Information

Ministry of education Licencing or relevant
VAT Number-(Eu Countries)
Registration number
Country CY
City/ Town Limassol
Postal Code 3026
Mobile 99 109862
Telephone Direct
Skype Id
Application Standard Fees

Corespontance Person

Contact Person 1

Contact Person Name: Manolis

Contact Person Possition: Director

Mobile: +35799109862

Telephone Direct:

Skype Id:


Contact Person 2

Contact Person Name:

Contact Person Possition:


Telephone Direct:

Skype Id:

