Magic Learning

  • Address: Kokkinotrimithia
  • Email:


About us

Our laboratory is located in the area of Kokkinotrimithias. The teachers who make up the Magic Learning team are dedicated to the daily study of primary school students. Our students study the school exercises in a magical way. What is this magic way? Our magic way is none other than love. 

Awards & Recognitions

Our students make us really proud every day. Many children at the beginning of classes seem to have serious deficiencies but over the course of a few months we see them make leaps and bounds of progress.  

Facilities & Staff

Our facilities are set up in such a way that the children have a place where they can have their meals, their classes where they can study and a place where they can relax and play. 

Differentiation points

The love and perseverance for the progress and development of the student not only in their performance but also in their development as an individual is what makes us different. 

Courses & Programs

The study hall offers daily study to school students. 

Institute Information

Ministry of education Licencing or relevant
VAT Number-(Eu Countries)
Registration number
Country AF
City/ Town Nicosia
Postal Code 2660
Mobile 96 976957
Telephone Direct
Skype Id
Application Standard Fees

Corespontance Person

Contact Person 1

Contact Person Name: Despoina

Contact Person Possition:

Mobile: +35796976957

Telephone Direct:

Skype Id:


Contact Person 2

Contact Person Name:

Contact Person Possition:


Telephone Direct:

Skype Id:

