Strategic Calm


Academic year


Course Summary

Health / Life Coaching - Soft-skills / Management- HR




Knowing what to watch for makes us ready to respond appropriately when our stressors arise. You will learn how to respond appropriately when stress occurs. When you are conscious of your stressors you can deflect your thoughts, retain your energy and stay calm and focused.


79 percent of employees that quit their jobs site lack of appreciation as their reason for leaving. Being mindful as a leader allows you to retain your employees and improve work relationships


Mindfulness in relationships allows you to be open to others’ needs as and redirect your attention to keeping your relationships stable and satisfying. It also impacts your ability to pay attention, to regulate your emotion and physiology, and shifts your capacity for empathy.


Work is one of the main causes of stress. Deal with your stress strategically so you can be more relaxed throughout your day so you can work in calm, be productive and also feel peaceful after work.


Learning meditation and present moment awareness takes us out of the habitual patterns of behaviour that often create our stress. As we learn to observe ourselves acting out in these unhealthy habitual patterns of behaviour, we intercept them and redirect our attention to achieve more empowering behaviours that are in our benefit.


Rapid, shallow, erratic breathing is a common response to stress. Slow, deep, regular breathing is a sign of relaxation. Together with gentle stretching, you release tight and tensed muscles caused by stress. By learning to relax your muscles and breathe deeply, you use your body to dissipate stress so that you feel both relaxed and energized.



On a search for answers and solutions to managing stress, I delved deep into all that modern psychology has to offer. I managed to weave together the best from Mindfulness, Human Behaviour and Awareness to come up with a way to have a calm yet fruitful life.

I now train groups and individ

Program Details


Stress is not always left at work at the end of the day. Many of us deal with one or more of the following:

  • Less energy after work
  • Difficulty in ‘shutting off’ after work
  • Increased Consumption and spending as an outlet for stress
  • Mood Swings
  • Emotional
  • Lost Social Connection
  • Stress at Home

Stress can affect us all differently, but the solution is one. In this workshop you will learn your triggers, reactions and new habits to release the stress. You will feel calmer and lighter as well as understand yourself and your own nature.



A leader can only be great in the light of adversity. When problems arise, they need to step up and deal with the situation. Mindfully dealing with challenges makes employees value, respect and appreciate you. At the same time they learn by example and strategically deal with their own tasks in the company themselves.



Whether they are relationships with family members, friends, or romantic partners, conflicts in relationships can cause us stress, unhappiness, and even separation.
Many of us spend our whole lives trying to figure out how relationships work, and still feel like we don’t understand them. But the truth is that once we gain some understanding, we realize that having good relationships isn’t as complicated as we might think.
The main reason we have difficulties with relationships is that many of us can’t see beyond our own wants and needs. So, if we’re dealing with someone who sees the world from the same perspective, then we’re constantly going to be involved in a power struggle — each trying to get his own way. Our relationships will be filled with conflict and misunderstanding.

With mindfulness we can change areas of the brain associated with directing attention and focus. Therefore, mindfulness can help us notice when we are on autopilot and redirect attention to other people’s needs and feelings. This can help us be more loving and present in our relationships, which builds intimacy and makes our relationships happier and more connected.



While it’s easy to forget, your life exists in the present moment, in the now.

On the other hand, your life situation – your finances, the state of your career, your relationships – those are situations that exist in your mind. Too often, we allow our mind to consume our present moment. And in doing so, we fail to recognize the difference between our thoughts about reality and reality itself.
The greatest obstacle to experiencing this reality is the identification of the mind. It creates concepts, labels, images, words, judgements and definitions which block your relationship with the now. It is this relationship with the now that we seek to free us from stress and its hold on us.

Based on the book of th


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Provider information


69 Thomas Street, West End, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, Queensland

Contact Person: Anastasia Charitou

Phone: 99 479095