European Conservatory of Music


Academic year


Course Summary

Our music theory and history course offers a comprehensive exploration of the musical knowledge, the centuries of artistic expression and cultural significance. Designed for music enthusiasts, aspiring composers, performers, and anyone seeking a deeper understanding of music, this course delves into the fundamental elements of music theory, including rhythm, melody, harmony, and form. Students gain proficiency in reading and notating music, analyzing musical structures, and understanding the interplay of different musical elements. Additionally, the course delves into the fascinating world of music history, examining influential composers, genres, and movements that have shaped the landscape of music. Through engaging lectures, interactive discussions, and listening exercises, participants develop a critical ear and a contextual understanding of music's evolution. Whether aiming to compose original works, analyze and interpret music, or simply deepen their appreciation for the art form, our music theory and history course offers an enriching and transformative experience.


Completing our music theory and history course opens up a multitude of exciting prospects for music enthusiasts. Graduates emerge with a profound understanding of the intricacies of music, equipped with the tools to analyze and appreciate a wide range of musical compositions. This knowledge is invaluable for aspiring composers, as it provides a solid foundation for creating original works that are rich in structure, harmony, and meaning. Furthermore, the course lays the groundwork for performers to interpret music with greater depth and nuance, enhancing their ability to connect with audiences on a deeper level. For those interested in music education, the course offers a comprehensive understanding of the historical context and theoretical underpinnings of music, enabling graduates to become effective and knowledgeable instructors. Additionally, the music theory and history course provides a strong foundation for further academic pursuits in musicology, ethnomusicology, composition, or music theory at the university level. Overall, this course unlocks a world of possibilities, whether it's composing, performing, teaching, or pursuing further studies in the captivating realm of music.

Program Details

Instruments are taught in private lessons. The student, irrespective of age, can choose the instrument that he/she prefers and because the lessons are private, can progress depending on his/her own talent and will and the time that he/she spends on practice.


For more information visit the institute course page or contact us at +357 22665868


Application Fees
For more information visit the institute course page or contact us at +357 22665868


For more information visit the institute course page or contact us at +357 22665868

Provider information


European Conservatory of Music Cyprus
95 Prodromou Street
CY-2063, Nicosia, Cyprus

Contact Person: Litsa Koutalari - Ioannou

Phone: 22 665868