Academic year

Preparation for Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Studies in Czech Universities

Course Summary

Our tailored online preparation course is designed to help you secure a place in top Czech universities.
  • Mode of Delivery: Fully online classes for convenience and accessibility.
  • Small Groups: Up to 6 students per group for personalized learning.
  • Comprehensive Content: Focused preparation in core subjects like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, aligned with university entry requirements.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Classes will be scheduled to accommodate students’ availability.


By completing this specialized preparation course, you open the door to a range of promising academic and professional opportunities:
  • Entry to Prestigious Programs: Gain admission to highly regarded programs in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, or Veterinary Science at top Czech universities.
  • Globally Recognized Degrees: Obtain degrees recognized across Europe and beyond, paving the way for international career opportunities.
  • Strong Academic Foundation: Build a robust understanding of core scientific concepts to support your success during university studies.
  • Diverse Career Paths: Upon graduation, pursue rewarding careers in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, or veterinary fields, with options for specialization.
  • Enhanced Cultural Perspective: Experience studying in the heart of Europe, broadening your cultural and professional horizons.

Program Details

Biology Syllabus 
  • Cell Biology: Prokaryotic/Eukaryotic Cells, Viruses, Respiration, Enzymatic Catalysis, Transport
  • Organ Systems: Circulatory (Blood, Heart, Vessels), Respiratory (Lungs, Gas Exchange), Nervous (CNS, Sensory), Immune (Structure, Immunization)
  • Genetics & Evolution: Heredity, Mendelian Genetics, Mutations, Evolution, Taxonomy
  • Ecology & Health: Ecosystems, Diseases (Diabetes, Obesity), Healthy Lifestyle
  • Other Systems: Digestive, Skin, Endocrine, Reproductive
  • Laboratory Techniques: Cell Methods, Separations, Laboratory Tools
Chemistry Syllabus 
  • Atomic Structure & Bonding: Atomic Structure, Electronegativity, Oxidation
  • Inorganic Chemistry: Properties of Oxides & Bases
  • Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, Acids, Amino Acids
  • Biochemistry: Enzymes, Proteins, Hormones
  • Chemical Reactions: Rates, Activation Energy, Equilibrium
  • Solutions: Electrolytes, Solubility
Physics Syllabus 
  • Basic Terms: Units, Scalars and Vectors, Forces, and Motion
  • Mechanics: Newton’s Laws, Kinematics, Work, Energy, Momentum
  • Waves & Acoustics: Simple Harmonic Motion, Wave Properties, Sound Waves
  • Thermodynamics: Laws, Heat, Temperature, Heat Transfer, Entropy
  • Molecular Physics: Ideal Gas Laws, Kinetic Theory, Molecular Behavior
  • Electricity & Magnetism: Electric Fields, Ohm’s Law, Circuits, Magnetic Fields
  • Electromagnetic Radiation: Light Nature, Spectrum, Wave-Particle Duality
  • Optics: Reflection, Refraction, Lenses, Interference
  • Atomic Physics: Atomic Structure, Photoelectric Effect, X-rays


The days and times of the courses will be announced soon, based on the needs and availability of the participants


Application Fees
The course fee for the preparation courses for Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, and Veterinary studies in Czech universities is €2,040.00.
This fee covers the following:
  • Full access to the online preparation courses (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
  • Course materials and resources
  • Regular assessments and practice exams
  • Dedicated academic support and guidance
Note: The course fee is separate from other costs, such as university application fees, visa fees, or living expenses. Please ensure that all necessary costs are considered when planning for your studies.


Contact us for more information or fill in the form online - CLICK HERE

Provider information


Florinis 11, Forum City bld, 5fl, Office No 503, Nicosia 1065

Contact Person: UAGC

Phone: 22 778744